Oklahoma Child Custody Attorneys
At the Law Offices of Lawrence Goodwin, P.C. I am concerned about your rights in divorce and family law cases. I hope you never need a child custody attorney. But if you do, you need one who is aggressive, experienced and who is capable of winning! When it is time to resolve issues such as your financial security and time with your children, you cannot cut cormers. Nothing less than the absolute best representation will do. I have extensive experience in divorce, child custody, paternity/child support, DHS cases, guardianship, and more.
Is there anything in life that is more important to you than your children? When you are going through a divorce or paternity case, your main concern should most certainly focus upon your children. Oklahoma family law speaks to the child’s best interests. Therefore, regardless of whether you are a mother or a father, you have rights that you must protect when it comes to your children. At the Law Offices of Lawrence Goodwin, I am totally dedicated to protecting those rights. When you need a child custody attorney, you need an Oklahoma City child custody attorney who is aggressive, and knows how to win.
Family law in Oklahoma allows for different kinds of custodial arrangements. Each situation must be viewed from the perspective of what is in the best interests of the child. There is sole custody, where one parent has full legal custody of the child and the other parent may be allowed some type of visitation. Another, more widely used and flexible alternative, is joint custody. Joint custody allows both parties to have legal custody of the child and share in all major decision-making issues. Within this arrangement there are various types of visitation structures that may be agreed upon or ordered. Typically in a joint custody situation, one parent will be the primary custodian of the minor child(ren). When you are in need of an Oklahoma City family attorney or if you have questions about family law, contact an experienced Oklahoma City child custody attorney. Call me today for your free consultation.